Home Angular Tutorials Angular Course Step By Step

Angular Course Step By Step

by aouidane.med.amine

Who Should Read This Angular Course ?

This Angular Course is for anyone who is looking to get started and learn advanced concepts of Angular Framework Step by Step.

It is expected that readers are comfortable with JavaScript and HTML before starting this Angular Tutorial, but a basic knowledge of JavaScript should be sufficient to learn Angular.

Even the basic Knowledge of AngularJS is not needed or recommended.

In this Angular Course, we will use TypeScript, which is the recommended way of developing in Angular, but preliminary knowledge is sufficient to read this course.

We will go step by step, so take it easy and have fun learning with us.

A Word on Web Application Development

As Developers, we all know that JavaScript it is one of the most widely used and adopted programming languages.

Nowadays, it’s rare for web developers to worry about browser inconsistencies and similar problems, which was the first reason for frameworks like jQuery to have created.

Frameworks like Angular and React are now a really common choice for developing frontend experiences, and it’s rare for anyone nowadays to decide to create a frontend application without using one of them.

Angular Course : Before Diving

This section of the Angular Course is an introduction to the Angular framework and the concepts behind it. It also covers what it takes to begin writing a new Angular application

Hello World

This section of the Angular Course cover the first steps for creating a simple Angular application, and diving into how the pieces work together. It also introduces the Angular CLI.

Understanding and Using Angular Data Binding

This part of the Tutorial will cover the basics concepts of Data Binding in Angular, and we will dive deeper using many examples for each Type of Data Binding.

Useful Built-In Angular Directives

Digs into the essential built-in Angular directives (including ngFor , ngIf , NgStyle …) and when and the best way to use them.

Understanding and Using Angular Components

This section introduces Angular components with more detail and the possible options available when creating them.

It cover the basic and the essential lifecycle hooks available with components.

Testing Angular Components

This Section of the Angular Course Introduces how to use the unit test in angular components using Karma and Jasmine, along with the Angular testing framework.

This includes testing simple services and slightly harder cases like asynchronous flows, services and components that make HTTP calls.

Working with Forms

Covers creating and mastering Angular Forms, using template-driven forms and reactive forms (My Preferred One)

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